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Monday, June 1, 2009

How about the network of GM from the community

I do not know how GM came into this way now.
I do not want to know why, either.
I do worry about how GM workers will live with their values which they work in GM when Americans do not take GM as first choice of motor.
I do hope GM workers can have enough resources to build their families happier when they are in this situation.
That is the thought why I talk about the network of GM from the community.When GM workers work in the community, the community has more food business and others.
GM has created a great history from American business to motor industrial development.
So how the community, even the whole Americans will think about GM with their lives?
Would the community like to do the way for the connection between GM and their lives?
1. The community can build the rent store which collects the relative companies to have more resources to set up the educational system for young people to learn how to drive by GM. Even the operating system of GM can become the building block to the young people to learn more mathematics etc.
2. The software company can interview GM workers for the information about how they work everyday at GM. The information can become the program of training for students who study motor or relative knowledge. Even their competitors can take the information to create a movie which how a car was born since the old tech of GM is out of business. GM and GM workers can get money by the information of patent. Then they can have money to develop another car style for new business.
3. The hospital and the food relative companies can support their health and food for the research about how motor workers get healthier when they work at motor company. But the relative government has to take the responsibility to take care their rights. The reason why I take this idea because I think GM workers are not very happy when they work at GM, or they may find a good way to do more before GM fall down. The research will not only help those workers have enough resources to have basic life quality, but also create the health standard for the motor workers to avoid the occupational injury.When the community respect their history and believe the power of community, GM or another similar company will find their way to survive with their work experiences and their values again.

Those ideas come from my research of university-communitization after I studied the Chicago sociology. So I do believe there are American who can understand this.I just hope people still have the rights of living with personal and basic quality no matter how bad situation happen. Because I do want to believe people still have hope by their mind.

HowMind Letter Lab.

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