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Thursday, March 3, 2011

If Victorian Age is a colonial park, it is also a mind park to present lots of great novel for people.

Urban Life E-News , Spring, 2011. Vol. 20110301 HowMind Letter Lab.

If Victorian Age (1832-1901) is a colonial park, it is also a mind park to present lots of great novels for people.

You can "see" those works in the park. There are:

Early Vicorian Age: 1832-1848, A time of Troubles (多事之秋) --市儈主義

Jane Eyre ( 簡愛,1847)--馬地拉的意外遺產
Vanity Fair (名利場,1848)--從印度回來的有錢人
Charles Dickens (1812-1870)--私有制社會的黑暗面

* Ernest Jones (1819-1869) The Songs of Democracy (民主之歌)
* Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) The French Revolution (法國大革命,1837)
* Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) The North and South (北方與南方,1855)

Middle Vicorian Age:1848-1870 -- Economic Prosperity and Religious Controersy
(經濟繁榮和宗教分歧時期: 科學,天文,地理,生物的發展V.S.人類眼界)

Great Expectations (遠大前程,1861)--去埃及經營茶葉
John Ruskin (1819-1900) The Stones of Venice (1851-1853威尼斯之石)
Unto the Last(1862)--自由競爭的經濟法則與人性攻擊
* Anthony Trollope (1815-1882)
* Mathew Arnold (1822-1888) Culture and Anarchy (1869,文化與無政府)
達爾文 The Origin of Speices 物種起源--進化論V.S. 上帝造物的唯心史觀→自我定位的認識
* The Oxford Movement (牛津運動) V.S. High Church (高教派)

Late Vicorian Age : 1870-1891 Decay of Victorian Values

Samuel Butlee (1835-1902) The Way of All Flesh (眾生之道)--諷刺維多利亞式家庭生活
Walter Pater (1839-1894)唯美主義者的共識: "盡情享受美和短暫的時光"
王爾德 the importance of Being Ernest (認真的重要)

George Moore (1852-1933), Max Beerbohm (1872-1956)

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